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Inclusive Practices for Preschool Programs (Videos)


VDOE Excellence in Co-Teaching Initiative


Preschool refers to the time before a child is old enough to go to kindergarten or elementary school.  In Virginia, preschoolers who are eligible for special education and related services are entitled to placement in the LRE alongside their peers without disabilities with supplementary aids and services.  Inclusion in early childhood programs is supported through years of research and reinforced by a strong legal foundation and can set a trajectory for inclusion across the life course. 

The resources available in public school systems and communities vary; thus, localities may offer inclusive early childhood services in programs administered by public schools, Head Start, or community-based entities (e.g., community-based preschool or child care).  Preschoolers with IEPs may attend and receive their special education services within any of these early childhood programs provided they are of high quality.  The projects depicted below demonstrate inclusion of preschoolers in a variety of contexts.


Early Childhood Inclusion Preschool