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Mathematics Vertical Articulation Tool (MVAT) - 2016 SOL (Virginia Department of Education, VDOE)


Mathematics Vertical Articulation Tool (MVAT) – This tool provides support in identifying concepts aligned to the 2016 Mathematics Standards of Learning (SOL) that articulate across mathematics grade levels or courses. The MVAT has several possible uses:

  • Instructional planning tool – the STATIC versions of the MVAT can be used to identify the progression of specific content across grade levels or courses in order to connect instruction to prerequisite knowledge and future concepts.
  • Remediation planning tool – the DYNAMIC versions of the MVAT can be used with the Mathematics Standards of Learning Student Detail by Question (SDBQ) reports (or using data from other reports using SOL identifiers) to pinpoint targeted areas for individual student remediation (e.g., classroom remediation, Algebra Readiness intervention, expedited retakes, etc.)

The MVAT is divided into five strands.  Content from Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II (EOC) is connected within the strands, where appropriate (not all End Of Course mathematics content is included in the MVAT). Below shows the hierarchical structure of the MVAT:

  • Strands (NNS, CE, MG, PS, PFA)
    • Strand Concepts – macro concepts of K – Algebra II content
      • Standard Descriptors – short descriptions of the standards included in each Strand Concept
        • Associated Standards – standard numbers that are aligned to each standard descriptor


Curriculum/Instructional Methods Elementary High School Math Professional Resources SOL Resources