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What is BrainPOP?

  • Engaging learning games, animated movies, and activities. Designed with relevance, depth, and humor to encourage kids on their unique learning paths.
  • Supporting teachers' roles and needs with classrooom-optimized tool, shaped by millions of hours of use by students and teachers in diverse learning settings.
  • Learning made visible thourgh tools that challenge students to reflect, make connections, and engage in deeper, curiosity-driven learning.
  • Covering universal topics with localization for major world languages like Spanish, French, and Mandarin. Mobile-ready and accessible for worldwide reach.


ADD/ADHD Art/Health/Music/Physical Education (PE) Assistive Technology Autism Spectrum Disorder Curriculum/Instructional Methods Elementary Emotional Disability English Learners (ELs) History/Social Science Intellectual Disability Learning Disability Math Middle School Mild/Moderate Disabilities Multiple Disabilities Other Health Impairment Science Traumatic Brain Injury