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Video- Brain Interrupted: The Story of John's Traumatic Brain Injury (BrainLine)


Brain Interrupted: The Story of John's Traumatic Brain Injury - Mt. Sinai's Dr. Wayne Gordon introduces one mother's powerful story about the importance of accurate diagnosis.

"Few experiences are as difficult for a parent as seeking help for a child and being denied the help that they were seeking.  The story (in this video) is that of a mother asking time and again for help from diverse professionals and being told time and time again that her son's ongoing and worsening symptoms were the result of poor parenting, bad behavior, or an attention deficit disorder. In fact, Patricia's son, John, was struck on the side of his head by a swing at the age of three, and althought he experienced no loss of consciousness and not obvious or observable signs or symptoms of having sustained a concussion at that time, his radically changed behavior was actually the result of a traumatic brain injury, or TBI."

 (Note: The video is 41:15 minutes long.)


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