Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
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Description: Decision Tree: How to Assist and Support Students through Interventions - When a parent, teacher, another person, or a school-based team thinks a student has a health condition, learning difficulty, or other challenges that are affecting the student’s ability to learn, the school should take a proactive approach to determine the type of support and/or services that will help meet the student’s needs. This could be a range of informal and/or formal services provided by one or more of...
Description: The Virginia Department of Education's (VDOE's) Department of Special Populations has recently released Understanding the Special Permission Locally Awarded Verified Credit (SPLAVC) Accommodation for Students with Disabilities one-pager resource for families. In this resource, you will find answers to the following questions: What is the SPLAVC? To whom is the SPLAVC available? How do I know if my high school-aged youth is learning through an accommodated or...
Description: This One-Pager Library contains important information for families, including the difference between IEPs and 504 Plans, handling disagreements about your child's special education program, your Parental Rights and more.
Description: Fourteen invaluable tools — checklists, charts, worksheets, letters, parent-teacher conversation starters, and more — to help you and your child team up with teachers for a successful school year. Dear Teacher, Please Meet My Child: A Sample Letter for Parents What I Wish My Teachers Knew About Me: A Free Template for Kids What Every Teacher Should Know About ADHD: A Free Handout Help Your Child’s Peers ‘Get’ ADHD: A Free Guide for Parents 7 Parent-Teacher...
Description: Virginia's Guidelines for Educating Students with Specific Learning Disabilities (PDF) Also available as Accessible Word Document (Word) – A resource for teachers and administrators as they address the educational needs of students with a Specific Learning Disability (SLD). These guidelines offer an overview of best practices for educating individuals with SLD. Parents of children with SLD may find this document useful as well. Specific Learning Disability...
Description: It is the intent of the Commonwealth of Virginia to include all students with disabilities in the assessment component of Virginia's accountability system. IDEA 2004 regulations require that all students with disabilities participate in the state's accountability system. Students with disabilities may participate in the Standards of Learning (SOL) assessments and Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP). When determining participation in Virginia's Accountability System, all students with...
Description: This fact sheet covers the following questions: What does a school have to do when a child with a disability is being bullied?, Does it matter if a child has an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 plan?, Where can I go for help? (U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights)