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Life After High School

Planning for life after high school can be overwhelming. This page provides information and resources to help plan and find appropriate options and services.
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Showing Results 1 - 50 of 213
Description: Transiton POINTS: Across the entire lifespan - Families need realistic, actionable information with which they can make a wide range of decisions as their child grows up. The Arc of Northern Virginia’s Transition POINTS program (Providing Opportunities, Information, Networking and Transition Support) provides critical information on six key decision points in the lifetime of an individual with an intellectual disability. Six Transition Guides are provided: Early Intervention Special...
Description: Your Life Your Voice provides ways for pre-teens, teens, and young adults to get help via call, text and email. Their trained counselors are able to offer advice for real life situations and they can be reached 24/7 via phone at (800) 448-3000 or by texting VOICE to 20121. They also provide tips and tools on their website for a number of issues such as coping skills, transitioning to adulthood, anxiety, abuse, identity, depression and more. It includes information on a Your Life Your Voice...
Description: Videos from Youth with Disabilities (Partnership for People with Disabilities, VCU) - These Public Service Announcements can be used during the month of October, which is Disability History and Awareness Month, or anytime throughout the year. Topics include: Ways to Communicate I Want To Be Did You Know? Choice Inclusion Awareness Disability History Museum hosts a Library of virtual artifacts, Education curricula, and Museum exhibits. These programs are designed to foster research and study...
Description: Virginia Parent Transition Survey - This updated survey is a way for parents to describe their expectations for their child/youth’s future and their expectations. Completing this survey before or during a transition planning IEP meeting will provide important information that can lead to improved planning and better outcomes after leaving high school. Not all of the sections or choices may be relevant to your child/youth, so please complete those that best describe your concerns and...
Description: Inclusion Project Voting Infographic - When you turn 18, you have the right to vote in local, state, and federal elections. In a democracy like the United States, voting is how we choose our leaders. This infographic provides information on how you get ready to vote and why voting is important.
Description: Youth Engagement - Youth participation in planning, engaging, and assessing transition services empowers them, increases their self-determination, and gives them the skills and self-confidence needed for success in learning, working, and living. These resources are for students and youth as they prepare for adult living. There are also resources for the professionals and family members who serve as allies with young people. The content has been developed by both young adults with...
Description: Student Self-Evaluation Matrix - QIAT-PS has also developed a set of student quality indicators for assistive technology with an accompanying Student Self-Evaluation Matrix tool for students to rate themselves on their AT skills. The tool is useful to both students struggling to manage AT in higher education settings and for K-12 programs to assist students in enhancing self-awareness and problem solving with AT for better transition outcomes. (QIAT-PS = Quality Indicators for...
Description: Level Up Virginia (LUV) is a statewide initiative led by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) and the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE). Their mission is to increase postsecondary readiness, enrollment and completion for all students in the Commonwealth. They are committed to making college access information easily understandable and accessible for students of all backgrounds. Timeline: What Level Are You On? (Infographic)   Prepare - Students with Disabilities...
Description: Ever since it was first published, Teaching Chemistry to Students with Disabilities: A Manual for High Schools, Colleges, and Graduate Programs has served as a vital resource in the chemistry classroom and laboratory to students with disabilities as well as their parents, teachers, guidance counselors, and administrators. In a changing time of technology, rapid access to information, accessibility tools for individuals with disabilities, and publishing, Edition 4.1 is being published...
Description: Return to School Webinars sponsored by CBIRT, a center under the Department of Psychology at the University of Oregon, conducts research and training to improve the lives of children and adults with traumatic brain injury (TBI). CBIRT’s research focuses on developing interventions to improve outcomes related to education, employability, and quality of life. Our training activities promote the use of best practices among educators and other professionals who serve individuals...
Description: The Elements of I'm Determined comprise the essentials necessary for increasing self-determination skills. These skills, abilities, and beliefs are grounded in self-determination research. A poster, that is a simple reminder of the Elements and their definitions, is available to download.
Description: Employment Checklist for Students (Ages 14-22) with Disabilities (PEATC - Getting a job is an exciting experience that takes planning. There are important documents you may need before you can get a job. There are skills you will need to prepare you for employment, and actions that you may need to take to be successful. This checklist can help you prepare for employment. This list does not include every item needed and some of these may not apply to you since your employment goals are...
Description: Virginia's CTE Resource Center - Each year, the CTE Resource Center assists the VDOE in developing curriculum-related publications that address specific courses or programs, encourage collaboration between career/technical and academic disciplines, foster collaboration between career and technical education at the secondary and postsecondary levels, correlate with national standards and industry certification requirements, and enhance comprehensive school-improvement efforts. Staff...
Description: View Archived Webcast: Engaging Families in Transition Planning - In this webcast, Tammy Burns, PEATC, will discuss the role of parents in planning for their child's future.  She will review the concepts of family engagement and family involvement and provide examples of each.  She will also discuss ways in which the family has an impact on student outcomes.  Finally, Tammy will identify the benefits of transition planning and provide tips for practitioners.  Learning...
Description: Virginia Career VIEW (Vital Information for Education and Work) is recognized as the Commonwealth's Career Information Delivery System for all students in grades K-12 and Ages 18+ in Virginia.  We are located at Virginia Tech as part of the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences in the School of Education.  As part of the Office of Education, Research and Outreach, our mission is to inform, encourage, and support the education and career development of the people of...
Description: A visual resume—A.K.A. a representational portfolio, or person-centered resume—is a positive and strength-based representation of the job seeker. This type of resume is a visual marketing tool introducing job seekers who need customized employment or more intensive or longer-lasting supports. When you are supporting a job seeker with a limited repertoire of formal experiences and skills, the visual resume can be a strong alternative. In other words, this...
Description: Workplace Inclusion Now (WIN)™ is Autism Speaks’ evidence-based employment system to build and support inclusive workplace culture through a comprehensive suite of resources.  National data shows that most autistic adults are unemployed or underemployed, despite having the skill sets and expertise to excel in the workplace. Autism Speaks, together with our partners, aims to transform employment for those on the spectrum through...
Description: Sometimes kids aren’t ready to go to college. They might need help with things like getting organized, asking for help or managing emotions. Or they might feel burnt out or unmotivated. Taking a gap year might help prepare them for a better college experience. A common worry is that kids will lose momentum if they take a gap year. But for kids who need extra support, a gap year might mean that they are more successful when they do start college. Otherwise they might face a lot of...
Description: This is a searchable listing of 85 community rehabilitation programs in Virginia that are approved by the Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) to provide an array of employment related services to individuals with disabilities. The organizations, known by DARS as Employment Service Organizations (ESOs), operate primarily for the purpose of providing employment and vocational rehabilitation services to individuals with disabilities. Such services may be provided separately or...
Description: Transition Planning (NTACT:C) - Transition planning is used to describe the very intentional, organized and coordinated process of guiding young people with disabilities with education, experiences, supports and services to help them have successful and meaningful lives beyond high school. It is planning that begins with the end in mind. While IDEA mandates specific documentation of transition planning and services in the Individualized Education Program (IEP) for students with disabilities...
Description: Explore Work Training Program If you are a teen who has a disability, you have choices and things to do to prepare for life after high school and becoming an adult. Just like every teen, this is a time of transition. You are preparing to be an adult, get a job, and become more independent. A big part of planning for the future means thinking about a job that is a good fit for you. Want to find out more about who you are and what you're good at? This training will help you explore your talents...
Description: CRi is a community-based nonprofit organization with a focus on providing personalized resources to people with developmental disabilities & mental health needs. We believe in serving people within the communities in which they live. CRi is transforming how at-risk youth & people with developmental disabilities or mental health needs live, work & play. Working closely together with each individual, they create plans to empower & connect people with services & support while...
Description: ILO helps families create supportive communities to facilitate networks of support for adults with disabilities to enable them to live independently. They do this by developing teams of paid and unpaid individuals for their self-advocates as they move out of their family houses into their own homes. ILO will be the organization in Washington, DC, Northern Virginia and Montgomery County, MD that supports and empowers adults with disabilities to live as fully integrated, contributing and...
Description: The webinar will address how remote supports can provide the needed safety and opportunities for independence and self-determination for people with disabilities. SafeinHome Remote Support Staff is available 24/7 providing a consistent and responsive environment that encourages decision-making and learning. This person-centered remote support system can provide privacy, safety, guidance, wellness check-ins and more. The following are some of the many solutions SafeinHome successfully supports:...
Description: This guide was developed for people with disabilities living in Alexandria, Arlington, Fairfax and Falls Church, Virginia. If you’re a person with a disability, or you are helping someone with a disability, you may have already discovered that finding a place to live is difficult. This guide will help you navigate government benefits, available financing, different housing options, support services, and more.
Description: All disability service providers are short on time and funds.  Individuals with disabilities and their families are longing to be more independent, but are fearful of the unknown.  With the TravelMate and EmployMate lessons, and activities on the ONEder platform, the Arc of NoVA has found a solution to complement the current service provision model, making it much more effective as well.  Their transition suite of apps can be considered virtual supports, such as travel trainer or...
Description: SSA Outreach Materials for People Facing Barriers The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impose hardships, especially on people who face barriers to accessing services and benefits. These include people with low-income, limited English proficiency, facing homelessness, or with mental illness, who have historically relied on meeting with us face-to-face to get the help they need. You will find an up-to-date list of resources and materials that you can use to learn about the Supplemental Security...
Description: Through collaboration between students, families, schools, community agencies, and employers, Start on Success (SOS) provides high school students with IEPs who are pursuing standard diplomas with a high quality work-based learning experience. Selected students enroll in a credit-bearing Career and Technical Education (CTE) course and then participate in a paid internship at a local business with an assigned mentor to assist with problem-solving, accommodations, and applying workplace readiness...
Description: View the Navigating Through Life Infographic Series - The youth leaders with disabilities from the Inclusion Project created the Navigating Through Life series. The six amazing graphics and text formats have different topics that a young person experiences as they move into adulthood. The youth leaders interviewed over 70 people with disabilities about their experiences when they entered adulthood. The Navigating Through Life series is intended to help youth start their own...
Description: The National Resource Center for Supported Decision-Making (NRC-SDM) builds on and extends the work of Quality Trust's Jenny Hatch Justice Project by bringing together vast and varied partners to ensure that input is obtained from all relevant stakeholder groups including older adults, people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD), family members, advocates, professionals and providers. The NRC-SDM partners bring nationally recognized expertise and leadership on SDM,...
Description: Think Work Stories -  This site highlights the employment successes of people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) who are working in paid jobs in their communities. Through the use of innovative, front-line employment support practices, these individuals are earning money, forming networks, and contributing to their communities. Learn more about these people and the promising practices that led to their success.
Description: The RFVII-3: Reading-Free Vocational Interest Inventory, Third Edition is a nonverbal measure of vocational interests of users from Grade 5 through adult. It uses illustrations of individuals engaged in different occupations to measure the vocational likes and dislikes of students and adults who have intellectual disabilities or learning disabilities, are struggling readers, or anyone who prefers a pictorial display. No reading or writing is required. The RFVII-3 is easy to administer and...
Description: This collection of products and materials has proven to be valuable for practitioners as well as parents and others working with students on transition. Secondary Transition Auttism Spectrum Disorders Resources (STAR) Pocket Resume Interagency Agreement Toolkit Transition Coordinator: What Do I Need to Know? Rethinking College: The Film Independent Living Checklist And many more...
Description: This Northern Virginia Family Resource Directory is provided as a free service to families and professionals by Formed Families Forward with financial support of SCAN of Northern Virginia. The Directory provides information and contact information for organizations, agencies and private practices offering programs, services and other resources for children, youth and families. There is a special focus on providers who serve families formed by adoption, foster care and kinship care who are...
Description: DO-IT videos promote the success of people with disabilities, particularly in school and work settings. DO-IT videos play in a custom accessible media player with audio description and transcripts provided. They can be downloaded, viewed on DO-IT's YouTube channel, or ordered on DVD. The Search Video Library feature enables users to search the full text of all videos and begin playing videos at specific start times from the search results. Most videos are accompanied by a brochure with...
Description: Impact Feature Issue on Self-Determination and Supported Decision-Making for People with Intellectual, Developmental, and Other Disabilities - This issue looks at how people with disabilities are experiencing self-determination in the U.S. and other countries today, and at the emergence of Supported Decision-Making (SDM) as one way to support individuals with disabilities to exercise self-determination. Articles include discussions of self-determination and SDM in education and human...
Description: The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) offers an integrated and comprehensive range of services consisting of workforce development activities benefiting job seekers—adults, dislocated workers, youth, incumbent workers, new entrants to the workforce, veterans, individuals with disabilities—and employers. WIOA’s objective is to meet employers’ needs by increasing employment, job retention, earnings, and occupational skills among all job seeker populations. Job...
Description: How does WIOA work in Virginia Career Works - Northern Region? SkillSource operates seven (7) One Stop Employment Centers in Annandale, Alexandria, Leesburg, Manassas, Reston, and Woodbridge. These resource centers provide free access to numerous career development, training, and support services to benefit both local employers and job seekers. SkillSource partners include Virginia Employment Commission, Northern Virginia Community College, Job Corps, Family and Social...
Description: disAbilityNavigator is a unique web resource created by and for people with disabilities and their families. Topics covered include: Family Caregiving Family Support Health Fitness & Recreation Health Care Settings & Providers Health Conditions & Disabilities Community Community Resources Community Best Practices & State Plans Individual Supports Advocacy Federal, State & Local Laws Protection & Advocacy Transitions Planning Insurance & Benefits Life Skills My Money...
Description: Medicaid at a Glance, Virginia Medicaid - The Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) plays an essential role in the Commonwealth’s health care system by offering lifesaving coverage to one in five Virginians, including more than 500,000 newly eligible adults who gained access to care when the program expanded in 2019.
Description: Partnership for People with Disabilities (VCU) - More than 50 million Americans currently live with some form of disability. In Virginia, this means that one of every five citizens will have a disability or know someone who does. Everything we do at the Partnership is focused on supporting people with disabilities and their families to be fully participating members of their community. Our work focuses on the four major areas of emphasis of early childhood, education, health, and community...
Description: Learn about programs that help you pay for college. Find ESL classes to study English as a second language. Learn about applying for, financing, and attending college or university in the U.S. Local public libraries not only lend books. They help children learn to read, and adults learn English or find a job. Federal libraries gather and preserve special collections.
Description: Google Maps has launched a new feature that shows the wheelchair accessible routes around public transit in major cities around the world. To access the “wheelchair accessible” routes, type your desired destination into Google Maps. Tap “Directions” then select the public transportation icon. Then tap “Options” and under the Routes section, you’ll find “wheelchair accessible” as a route type. When you select this option, Google Maps will show...
Description: The education of children with disabilities is a top national priority. Our nation’s special education law, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), sets high standards for their achievement and guides how special help and services are made available in schools to address their individual needs.
Description: Finally, we come to the last of the IEP components—the transfer of rights at age of majority. This component is only needed in the IEPs of some students, as you’ll see. IDEA’s exact words What does age of majority mean? What IDEA requires How is the student informed?
Title: A Life 4 Me
Description: A Life 4 Me is a an online resource to help people with disabilities establish community connections, including social, employment, and volunteer opportunities. It was developed by youth with disabilities, in partnership with the Partnership for People with Disabilities and Virginia Department of Education.  Video Tours Include: Go To College Get Services in the Community Live in the Community Work in the Community Friendship Support Entrepreneurship Economic/Personal Finance Mental Health...
Title: College Steps
Description: College Steps was founded by a clinical psychologist and a special educator with a simple mission: To empower students living with learning and social challenges through structured post-secondary support. Working closely with high schools, colleges and families, we emphasize peer-to-peer services that build confidence and success. College Steps provides personalized college support for students with learning and social challenges. Our student-centered support utilizes peer mentoring and...
Description: More and more students are seeking support for mental health disabilities at colleges, but colleges have been unable to meet that demand. Some have argued that the nation has reached a “campus mental health crisis.” This National Council on Disability (NCD) report examines and assesses the status of college mental health services and policies in the United States, and provides recommendations for Congress, federal agencies, and colleges to improve college mental health services...
Description: AAIDD,  is the publisher, copyright holder, and sole owner of the SIS, SIS-A. SIS-C, SIS-A Annual Review Protocol, and Person-Centered Planning With the Supports Intensity Scale-Adult Version™: A Guide for Planning Teams (2017). The suite of SIS tools also includes all associated interview scoring forms, user’s guides, training manuals and materials, and associated electronic software platforms, most notably SISOnline and SISVenture. The SIS-A is a standardized assessment tool...
Description: PACER's National Parent Center on Transition and Employment - The road to adulthood for youth with disabilities is filled with opportunity, and parents play a key role. PACER’s National Parent Center on Transition and Employment is ready with the information families want, presented in a way families can use. Founded in 2014, PACER’s National Parent Center on Transition and Employment builds on PACER’s decades of experience providing high quality assistance and support to...