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Pathful Explore (Virtual Job Shadow), Pathful Junior (Virtual Job Shadow Junior) & Pathful Connect (Nepris)


Pathful Explore is a K-12 exploration and planning platform that prepares students for college and/or career. With a combination of interactive tools, assessments, and real-world exploration, students can discover diverse career pathways and chart their individualized path.

With over 3,000 professionally produced job shadowing and career advice videos, Pathful Explore delivers an interactive and engaging career exploration experience that opens up a new world of opportunity.

Pathful Junior is a K-5 career awareness platform with digital lessons that cultivate elementary students’ interest in a variety of professions while strengthening their digital literacy skills and reinforcing their academic coursework. It is designed to captivate, inspire, and empower elementary students to pursue their interests.

  • An interactive, digital learning platform designed for K-5 students
  • Playful and engaging adaptive lessons across 17 career clusters
  • CODiE award finalist for Best PK-12 Education Cloud-based Solution

Pathful Connect matches teachers and students with the right industry experts, virtually without having to spend much planning time or leaving the classroom while providing an effective way for companies to extend education outreach and create equity of access.


Elementary Employment High School Middle School Transition