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Services for Older Youth (Virginia Department of Social Services, VDSS)


Services for Older Youth - Youth services (also known as the Independent Living Program) assists foster care youths ages 14-21 in developing the skills necessary to make the transition from foster care to independent living. Independent Living services include activities that are based on a written assessment of life skills. Areas of focus include personal development skills such as self-esteem, communication skills, decision-making, conflict resolution and anger management. Examples of independent living skills are career exploration, job skills, money, management, housing, transportation, and legal issues.

Who Is Eligible?

Youth in foster care are eligible to receive services through ILP at the age of 14 and may continue receiving services until age 21 if they are in the custody or placement responsibility of a local department of social services. Qualifying placements include those in foster homes, residential treatment centers and group homes.

Independent Living services should not be limited to youth in foster care that participate in Fostering Futures. As appropriate, some type of independent living information or service should be provided to each youth who can benefit from such information or services. Services may even be extended to youth after they have been discharged from foster care, if they meet the age criteria. Age 21 is the cut-off for services

Video Modules include:

  • Module 1: What is a Transition Plan and why should I do one?
  • Module 2: Who is involved in Transition Planning?
  • Module 3: How do I develop a Transition Plan?
  • Module 4: What do I need to know to effectively plan for myself?
  • Module 5: What happens after my transition plan is completed?


After High School Collaboration Employment High School Parent/Family Postsecondary Education Professional Resources Self-Determination State/National Organizations Transition