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Warm Line (Mental Health America of Virginia, MHAV) (Available in Spanish)


Mental Health Virginia (MHV) is a partner with other agencies providing a peer-run warm line specifically for those struggling with addiction in the Richmond area, their loved ones, and others to talk with trained individuals who have lived experience in addiction recovery. This Warm Line, part of the Alive RVA program, is open 7 days/week, 8 AM – Midnight.

The addiction recovery line supports MHV’s statewide peer-run warm line by specializing in recovery from opioids and other substances. Callers are anonymous, and calls are free.

Anyone can continue to call MHV at (866) 400-6428 from Monday – Friday 9am to 9pm, and Saturday – Sunday 5pm – 9pm, for any type of mental health recovery peer support and information.

Mental Health Virginia (MHV), Substance Abuse & Addiction Recovery Alliance (SAARA) of Virginia, and Richmond Behavioral Health are operating the service with support from federal resources through the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services.

In a Crisis? Call or Text 988


Warm Line part of the Alive RVA program


Behavior Collaboration Family Engagement Mental Health Professional Resources Social/Emotional