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Mathematics Standards of Learning Resources & Mathematics SOL Institutes (Virginia Department of Education, VDOE)


The 2016 Mathematics Standards of Learning identify academic content for essential components of the mathematics curriculum at different grade levels for Virginia’s public schools. Standards are identified for kindergarten through grade eight and for a core set of high school courses. Throughout a student’s mathematics schooling from kindergarten through grade eight, specific content strands are included. These content strands are Number and Number Sense; Computation and Estimation; Measurement and Geometry; Probability and Statistics; and Patterns, Functions, and Algebra. The Standards of Learning within each strand progress in complexity throughout the grade levels and into high school course content.  While the standards are organized by strand and identified numerically, local curricula and pacing guides should determine the instructional sequence of the content.


Curriculum/Instructional Methods Elementary High School Instructional Strategies Math Middle School Professional Development Professional Resources SOL Resources