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Postsecondary Education

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Showing Results 101 - 125 of 125
Description: SAS collaborates with instructors, staff, and community members to create usable, equitable, inclusive, and sustainable learning environments for Marymount students with disabilities. Students are able to engage SAS to strengthen their self-advocacy skills and learn about resources and services that enhance their academic strategies for success. As a result, students with disabilities can fully participate in and enjoy the benefits of higher education at Marymount
Description: Beacon is the first accredited college offering four year degrees designed around the needs of students with diagnosed learning disabilities. We offer both bachelor and associate degrees in an environment specifically created to help our students thrive and engineer amazing, abundant lives for themselves. For students who learn differently – those with diagnosed learning disabilities, dyslexia, ADHD and related conditions — that adventure can be tough. Frequently, they are asked to...
Description: Integrative Community Studies (ICS), also known as Beyond Academics, is a program for students with intellectual disabilities who are interested in furthering their education. Integrative Community Studies is a four-year certificate program – awarded by UNCG’s Office of the Provost –  that emphasizes self-determination, life planning, and career development. Enrolled students develop a personalized college support plan to optimize their curricular and co-curricular...
Description: The IAL experience includes: Build a strong foundation Through specialized academic coaching and tutoring, you’ll begin to gain skills in time management, prioritization and goal setting—building blocks that form your basic educational competence. Make the transition Once you're thinking critically and analyzing new information, we'll help you start focusing on increasing your independence and self-advocacy. Find the right balance As you become more aware, you’ll no longer...
Description: The Mason LIFE Program is a 4-year post-secondary comprehensive transition program for young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities who desire a university experience in a supportive academic environment.
Description: Mercyhurst University: Learning Support Services - Comprised of Learning Differences, academic accommodations, the Testing Center, the Tutoring Center, and the Testing Center, Learning Support Services is committed to identifying and reducing physical, attitudinal, and programmatic barriers for all students. Through collaboration with faculty, staff, and administrators, Learning Support Services ensures access to campus programs, services, and facilities for students, including those with...
Description: The Virginia Department of Education has developed a document on transition, “Autism Spectrum Disorders and the Transition to Adulthood,” that includes important information on transition assessment and planning, adult services, postsecondary education, employment, home living skills, and Social Security and benefits planning.
Description: The Children’s Hemiplegia and Stroke Association (CHASA) exists to help children – children who have survived an early brain injury that results in hemiplegia or hemiparesis (weakness on one side of the body).  We also help adults who have been living with a diagnosis of hemiplegia since childhood. We could tell you about all the difficulties and challenges faced by some, but not all, of our survivors – paralysis, epilepsy (seizures), issues with learning, vision, balance,...
Description: College Autism Spectrum (CAS) is an independent organization of professionals whose purpose is to assist students with autism spectrum disorders, and their families. We specialize in COLLEGE COUNSELING (helping students find the right college) and WORK/CAREER READINESS (skill building for interviews, jobs and work skills). We help students with ASD explore and navigate college options before, during and through the college process. Additionally, we provide campuses and professionals with the...
Description: "Transition to adulthood" is a complex and ongoing process that starts as soon as a child is born and continues as the child becomes an adolescent, to early adult life and then through the stages of adulthood. While this process is complicated at best for any person, the individual with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) faces unique challenges that require specialized considerations. This set of guides will help the user understand these challenges and raise awareness of these important...
Description: The College Internship Program (CIP) is a private young adult transition program for individuals 18-26 with autism, ADHD, and other learning differences offering comprehensive and specialized services.  CIP’s programs uniquely address the needs of young adults with learning differences by focusing on the generalization of skills while living within a community or peers in a supported apartment living environment. Each student’s unique needs are met individually as they...
Description: The Attention Deficit Disorder Association provides information, resources and networking opportunities to help adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder lead better lives. 
Description: The Post-High School Outcomes of Young Adults With Disabilities up to 8 Years After High School: Key Findings From the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 is a report that uses data from the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 dataset to provide a national picture of post-high school outcomes for students with disabilities. The report describes the experiences and outcomes of young adults with disabilities in postsecondary education, employment, independence, and social domains during...
Description: The National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability-Youth (NCWD/Y) provides two workbooks: The 411 on Disability Disclosure: A Workbook for Youth with Disabilities  This workbook is designed for youth and adults working with them to learn about disability disclosure and help them make informed decisions about whether or not to disclose their disability and understand by considering how that decision may impact their education, employment, and social lives. Based on the premise that...
Description: Autism Spectrum Disorders - A child may be found eligible for special education and related services as a child with autism if there is an adverse effect on the child's educational performance due to documented characteristics of autism spectrum disorder. Children with a medical diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders must be found eligible for special education and related services under IDEA before an Individualized Education Program (IEP) is developed. Children who are suspected of having a...
Description: Transition assessment is important to adequately addressing the "needs, preferences, and interests" of learners with disabilities who prepare to exit the educational system to become successful adults in community environments. Transition assessment is important to adequately addressing the "needs, preferences, and interests" of learners with disabilities who prepare to exit the educational system to become successful adults in community environments. ESTR Publications provides you with...
Description: The most vital step in applying for federal grants, work-study, and loans for college is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form.
Description: Access to higher education remains a challenge for many students who face academic and informational barriers to college entry. This guide targets high schools and school districts, and focuses on effective practices that prepare students academically for college, assist them in completing the steps to college entry, and improve their likelihood of enrolling in college.
Description: The mission of the Virginia College Access Network is to support and enhance post-secondary education access and attainment for residents of the Commonwealth of Virginia. To accomplish this mission, VCAN will support access programs and foster new initiatives; develop information and financial resources for students and families; and promote the benefits of greater access to postsecondary education.  
Description: Virginia Education Wizard can help if you are: Looking for your perfect career path? Researching college options? Prepping for the workforce? Deciding how to pay for everything? Since 2009, the Wizard has partnered with the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) to give students over 100 career tools designed specifically to meet VDOE career requirements for Virginia K12 students, free of charge to every school district. Your student's data is protected and no personally identifying information...
Description: The Zarrow Institute on Transition & Self-Determination at the University of Oklahoma strives to promote successful transition outcomes for all by implementing innovative research, putting findings into practice, and disseminating knowledge through high-quality products and professional development.
Description: Transition Coalition - Students and youth with disabilities preparing to graduate high school and enter the workforce or continue their education often need a little extra support and almost always with transition planning ... which means the educators, counselors, and families supporting them also need more professional development than is typically provided by a one-time in-service training. With specialized professional development, technical assistance, and research-based practices and...
Description: For students with disabilities, a big factor in their successful transition from high school to postsecondary education is accurate knowledge about their civil rights. The purpose of this guide is to provide high school educators with answers to questions students with disabilities may have as they get ready to move to the postsecondary education environment. (U.S. Department of Education)
Description: Since 1977, AHEAD has offered an unparalleled member experience to disability resource professionals, student affairs personnel, ADA coordinators, diversity officers, AT/IT staff, faculty and other instructional personnel, and colleagues who are invested in creating welcoming higher education experiences for disabled individuals. Informed by its diverse membership, AHEAD: delivers exceptional professional development opportunities through conferences, workshops, webinars, publications, and...
Description: Think College is a national organization dedicated to developing, expanding, and improving inclusive higher education options for people with intellectual disability. With a commitment to equity and excellence, Think College provides resources, technical assistance and training related to college options for students with intellectual disability, and manages the only national listing of college programs for students with intellectual disability in the United States. We are a national...