National / State Organizations
A multitude of National Organizations exist to provide information, support and research in a wide range of disabilities and medical conditions. Explore this page for an organization in your area of interest.
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Description: Partnership for People with Disabilities (VCU) - More than 50 million Americans currently live with some form of disability. In Virginia, this means that one of every five citizens will have a disability or know someone who does. Everything we do at the Partnership is focused on supporting people with disabilities and their families to be fully participating members of their community. Our work focuses on the four major areas of emphasis of early childhood, education, health, and community...
Description: The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is the agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that leads public health efforts to advance the behavioral health of the nation. SAMHSA's mission is to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America's communities.
Description: SAMHSA’s National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative (NCTSI) improves treatment and services for children, adolescents, and families who have experienced traumatic events.
Description: Families are the enduring presence in the lives of young children with disabilities. This volume contains activities to support early care and education staff and families in developing positive relationships that support collaboration and family leadership. Session 1: Creating Bright Futures (Building Relationships with Families) Session 2: Listening to Families Session 3: When Concerns Arise: Learning from Families' Experiences Session 4: Getting...
Description: VDSS is one of the largest Commonwealth agencies, partnering with 120 local departments of social services, along with faith-based and non-profit organizations, to promote the well-being of children and families statewide. We proudly serve alongside 1,650 (state) and 8,500 (local) human services professionals throughout the Social Services System, who ensure that thousands of Virginia's most vulnerable citizens have access to the best services and benefits available to them.
Description: The birth of a child is an exciting, life-changing event. A beautiful new baby comes to your house, family, and neighborhood. It is a time for celebration. But what happens when this new child has a disability? What if there are health problems? What if, as time goes by, it seems as if the child isn’t learning and progressing as quickly or easily as other children? What do you do? CPIR offers a suite of resource pages that can help you find answers and people who can...
Description: The mental health of our children is a natural and important concern for us all. The fact is, many mental disorders have their beginnings in childhood or adolescence, yet may go undiagnosed and untreated for years. We refer to mental disorders using different “umbrella” terms such as emotional disturbance, behavioral disorders, or mental illness. Beneath these umbrella terms, there is actually a wide range of specific conditions that differ from one another in their characteristics...
Description: In drafting the provisions of IDEA, our nation’s special education law, Congress clearly contemplated that, at times, there would be disagreements between parents of children with disabilities and the school districts providing special education and related services to their children. While it is expected that parents and school personnel will work in partnership to ensure children with disabilities are provided appropriate services, there are times when the child’s parents and...
Description: Giving a child a home is a remarkable gift. This page is written for the families who’ve adopted children with disabilities (and without!) and those who offer them safe haven through fostering. It’s also written for those who work in state agencies or in private organizations who find foster homes and adoptive families for so many children.
Description: The Virginia Family Network (VFN) is a contractual agreement between the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS) and NAMI Virginia launched in 2011. The purpose is to create a statewide network of families who support, educate, and empower other families with children and youth with mental health needs while also promoting family-driven and youth-guided policy throughout the child-serving systems. The initiative is designed to...
Description: For over 30 years, the Autism Society Central Virginia (ASCV) has been proud to serve as one of the region’s premier sources of education, advocacy, services, and support for individuals with autism, their families and friends, and professionals. Our mission is to improve the lives of all affected by autism by maximizing the self-sufficiency, independence, and quality of life for all living with autism. We are committed to meaningful participation and self-determination in all aspects of...
Description: Guardian ad litem (GAL) literally means “guardian for the suit.” A guardian ad litem in Virginia is an attorney appointed by a judge to assist the court in determining the circumstances of a matter before the court. It is the fundamental responsibility of the guardian ad litem to provide independent recommendations to the court about the client’s best interests, which can be different from advocating for what the client wants, and to bring balance to the decision-making...
Description: The Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) plays a critical role in improving the health and well-being of Virginians through access to high-quality health care coverage. This year, Medicaid expanded eligibility for health coverage to close to 400,000 Virginia adults. This year also marks the one-year anniversary of Virginia’s nationally-renowned Substance Use Disorder benefit, the Addiction and Recovery Treatment Services program. DMAS also achieved major milestones in...
Description: Virginia's Medicaid Managed Care is a state program that helps people who have Medicaid get the health care services they need. This website will help you learn about this program and manage your health care. You can: Find information about health plans, called Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) Learn when you can enroll in a health plan Compare health plans for your city or county Enroll in a health plan online or by phone Learn about Primary Care...
Description: LIFE stands for Living Independently, Focusing on Empowerment. Project LIFE is a UMFS program, funded by the Virginia Department of Social Services. Their mission is to enhance the successful transition of older youth in foster care to adulthood by: increasing the capacity of professionals working with youth to engage in sound, evidence-based practices, and promoting permanent connections, effective preparation for transition to adulthood, and meaningful youth input into state and local...
Description: Services for Older Youth - Youth services (also known as the Independent Living Program) assists foster care youths ages 14-21 in developing the skills necessary to make the transition from foster care to independent living. Independent Living services include activities that are based on a written assessment of life skills. Areas of focus include personal development skills such as self-esteem, communication skills, decision-making, conflict resolution and anger management. Examples of...
Description: There is a juvenile and domestic relations district court in each Virginia city and county. In Virginia, a juvenile is any person under 18 years of age. The juvenile and domestic relations district court hears all matters involving juveniles such as criminal or traffic matters. Juvenile delinquency cases are cases involving a minor under the age of 18 who has been accused of committing an offense that would be considered criminal if committed by an adult. Other juvenile offenses may be referred...
Description: CASA is the Court Appointed Special Advocate Program. CASA is a child advocacy organization that seeks to provide trained volunteers to speak for abused and neglected children who are the subjects of juvenile court proceedings. CASA volunteers advocate for safe, permanent homes for children. CASA began in 1977 in Seattle, Washington by Judge David Soukup who saw the need for more information on cases involving children in his court. The social services and legal systems were overburdened and...
Description: Virginia Department of Juvenile Justice - The Reentry, Education and Intervention Division is responsible for meeting the needs of youth committed to DJJ by providing them with quality education, treatment and rehabilitation and reentry supports to create a seamless transition to the community. The Reentry, Education and Intervention Division is composed of: Education – Responsible for providing quality instructional practices and programs to improve student performance....
Description: is a Virginia Partnership for Equal Justice Website Project. It is an ambitious attempt by Virginia legal aid offices and their partners to provide complete, accurate, up-to-date information on poverty law issues in an interactive and easily accessible format. The intent is to allow access to this information by legal aid attorneys, probono attorneys, clients, advocates and providers of services to legal aid's traditional client base. Pro Bono Net The LawHelp website platform was...
Description: This is an alphabetical listing of Virginia School Divisions which includes contact information for each division and its staff.
Description: The Virginia Department of Education is the administrative agency for the commonwealth’s public schools. VDOE works in partnership with Virginia’s 132 school divisions to support and improve teaching and learning, set high expectations for all students, and promote student safety, wellbeing, and health.
Description: The Local School Divisions Foster Care Liaisons is a listing of the contact information (email address and phone numbers) for school divisions in Virginia.
Description: The Children's Services Act (CSA) is a law enacted in 1993 that establishes a single state pool of funds to purchase services for at- risk youth and their families. The state funds, combined with local community funds, are managed by local interagency teams who plan and oversee services to youth. The mission of the CSA is to create a collaborative system of services and funding that is child-centered, family-focused and community-based when addressing the strengths and needs of troubled and...
Description: Magellan of Virginia was selected by the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) to serve as the Behavioral Health Services Administrator (BHSA). Magellan administers behavioral health services for members enrolled in Virginia’s Medicaid and FAMIS programs. This site is for members receiving behavioral health services in Virginia, their families and friends, and providers. Mission:Magellan of Virginia ensures quality behavioral health services are delivered to...
Description: DCMP provides a streaming library of accessible education videos, teaching tools, and professional development opportunities. We partner with educational content creators to provide high-quality captioning, audio description, and American Sign Language (ASL) translation.
Description: Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) Division of Rehabilitative Services (DRS) works together with students, youth, families, schools and community agencies and organizations to provide services that promote successful transitions from school to work and adult life. DRS offers two sets of services to help students with disabilities move from school to post-school life: pre-employment transition services (Pre-ETS) and vocational rehabilitation (VR) transition services....
Description: The Invisible Disabilities® Association (IDA) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit. IDA is about believing. We believe you! The frequently invisible nature of illness and pain may lead to disbelief about that illness or pain by those surrounding the person who lives daily with invisible disabilities. This disbelief can lead to misunderstandings, rejection by friends, family and health care providers. It may also lead to accusations of laziness or faking an illness. We are passionate about providing...
Description: The mission of AAHD is to advance health promotion and wellness initiatives for children and adults with disabilities. AAHD works to reduce health disparities between people with disabilities and the general population, and supports full community inclusion and accessibility. AAHD accomplishes its mission through advocacy, education, public awareness, and research efforts at the federal, state, and community levels.
Description: Military Outreach (PEATC) - Military families sacrifice alongside the military member and face unique challenges such as deployment, frequent moves, and the additional demands of high Optempo. For those families who have children with disabilities receiving special education and related services, moving every 2-3 years is likely to negatively impact educational outcomes for their student. PEATC’s Military Outreach Specialists assist active duty, reservists,...
Description: We believe that individuals who are deaf-blind are valued members of society and are entitled to the same opportunities and choices as other members of their community. NFADB is the largest national nonprofit organization serving the deaf-blind community. What We Do Train and support families as they advocate for the needs of their child and family. Connect families to other families with similar interests and needs. Collaborate with other organizations to make sure...
Description: The mission of HKNC is to give people who are deaf-blind the tools to live, work and thrive in the communities of their choice. Authorized by an Act of Congress in 1967, HKNC is the only organization of its kind—providing training and resources exclusively to people age 16 and over who have combined vision and hearing loss. Students travel from across the country to our headquarters in Sands Point, New York, for on-campus training in assistive technology, vocational services, orientation...
Description: The Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) is the only non-regulatory federal agency that promotes policies and coordinates with employers and all levels of government to increase workplace success for people with disabilities. To develop and influence disability employment-related policies and practices, ODEP sponsors the following three policy development and technical assistance resources: Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion (EARN) Job Accommodation Network...
Description: All students in tested grade levels and courses are expected to participate in Virginia’s assessment program, unless specifically exempted by state or federal law or by Board of Education regulations. Virginia’s assessment system includes students with disabilities and limited English proficient (LEP) students. Students with disabilities and LEP students may take Standards of Learning tests with or without accommodations or they may be assessed through alternate or alternative...
Description: Effective Practices - Transition education and services should be grounded in quality research. To do so, practitioners need information on which practices and programs are effective for students and youth with disabilities. Effective Practices in Secondary Transition: Operational Definitions This table lists (a) each effective practice in secondary transition, (b) the operational definition of the practice based on empirical research, (c) corresponding reference(s) used to establish...
Description: Who We Are - The National Federation of Families: Bringing Lived Experience to Family Support is a national family-run organization linking more than 120 chapters and state organizations focused on the issues of children and youth with emotional, behavioral, or mental health needs and their families. It was conceived in Arlington, Virginia in February, 1989 by a group of 18 people determined to make a difference in the way the system works. Where We Come From Members of the National...
Description: The PERT Program is a highly effective school-to-work transition initiative supported by the Virginia Department of Education and administered through the Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) at Wilson Workforce and Rehabilitation Center (WWRC). PERT Program services are provided on the WWRC Campus where students reside in a dormitory. The PERT Program assists students in their transition from high school to post secondary options by helping them answer these...
Description: AMC is proud to partner with the Autism Society to offer unique movie showings where we turn the lights up, and turn the sound down, so you can get up, dance, walk, shout or sing! Our Sensory Friendly Film program is available on the second and fourth Saturday (family-friendly) and Wednesday evenings (mature audiences) of every month. Please check your local theatre listings for specific showtimes, and don't forget to share your family fun with #AMCSensoryFriendly. AMC's partner for Sensory...
Description: The Virginia Family Special Education Connection Website provides Local Disability Services information for all of the Counties/Cities in the Commonwealth of Virginia. These services include: Arc (The Arc) Autism Spectrum Disorder Resources Brain Injury Services Care Connection for Children (Health Department Program) Centers for Independent Living Child Development Services Program - Clinics Child Find Community Services Board (CSB) Department for Aging and...
Description: Social Security Office Locator allows you to find the Social Security office located within your zip code. Social Security Online Services - Social Security is constantly expanding their online services to give you freedom and control when conducting business with Social Security. Today, you can apply for retirement, disability, and Medicare benefits online, check the status of an application or appeal, request a replacement Social Security card (in most areas), print a benefit verification...
Description: People with Special Health Care Needs includes: Care Connection for Children Bleeding Disorders Program Child Development Services Sickle Cell Programs Metabolic Formula and Food Program
Description: SLN is a national nonprofit whose mission is to provide siblings of individuals with disabilities the information, support and tools to advocate with their brothers and sisters and to promote the issues important to them and their entire families.
Description: AWAARE Collaboration is a working group of seven national non-profit autism organizations whose mission is to prevent autism-related wandering incidents and deaths. NAA (National Autism Association) has created three digital safety toolkits that can be downloaded: Caregiver Toolkit, First Responder Toolkit and Teacher Toolkit.
Description: The Faces and Facts of Disability - Social Security is with you throughout life’s journey, touching the lives of nearly every American, often during times of personal hardship, transition, and uncertainty. Our programs serve as vital financial protection for working men and women, children, the disabled, and the elderly. For over 60 years, our disability program has remained true to its original purpose of delivering economic security against the risk of a severe disability that prevents...
Description: Special Needs Parent Tool Kit Birth to 18 - The Office of Community Support for Military Families with Special Needs is pleased to provide the Department of Defense Special Needs Parent Tool Kit — Birth to 18. This tool kit provides information and resources that will help you improve your quality of life and teaches you how to advocate for your child with special needs. Each of the six modules addresses issues you are likely to encounter throughout your child’s life. Whether your...
Description: Prader-Willi Syndrome is a complex genetic disorder of the 15th chromosome; the most common known genetic cause of life-threatening obesity in children. PWSA | USA supports individuals diagnosed with Prader-Willi syndrome, their families, and care providers with critical information and resources. We educate medical providers, educators, and professional care givers about PWS and how to best support individuals with the syndrome. PWSA | USA seeks to support research projects with the potential...
Description: The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) is the largest international professional organization dedicated to improving the success of children and youth with disabilities and/or gifts and talents. CEC advocates for appropriate governmental policies, sets professional standards, provides professional development, and helps professionals obtain conditions and resources necessary for effective professional practice. CEC is known as THE source for information, resources, and professional...
Description: AIR is one of the world's largest behavioral and social science research and evaluation organizations. Our overriding goal is to use the best science available to bring the most effective ideas and approaches to enhancing everyday life. For us, making the world a better place is not wishful thinking. It is the goal that drives us. Their vision is to: Inform improvements to education, health, workforce development, and related areas; Collaborate with organizations, policymakers, and practitioners...
Description: Through our Outreach Services department, VSDB serves children, families, and educators throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. We are committed to serving the needs of all Virginia children who are deaf/hard of hearing, blind/visually impaired, or deaf blind, whether or not they are enrolled at VSDB. Therefore we also strive to help all educators in Virginia better meet the needs of these students. VSDB Outreach Services are funded through a grant from the Virginia Department of Education.
Description: MASI is a comprehensive, fee-based program that provides additional intensive support services to students on the Autism Spectrum beyond typical higher education accommodations. MASI uses a team-based approach to assist students in achieving their goals in college.