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When a child exhibits challenging behaviors, it can have an impact on the whole family. This page of the website will contain resources about Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and other strategies that may be helpful for families.
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Showing Results 301 - 344 of 344
Description: CIPR (Center for Parent Information and Resources) is pleased to connect you with sources of information for helping children who have behavior challenges. Because "behavior" is such a huge topic, we've divided the subject up into 5 separate pages: Behavior Expertise, Behavior Assessment, Plans, and Positive Supports, Behavior at Home, Behavior at School and Bullying.
Description: 10 Things You Should Know About Behavior and Brain Injury: Behavior has a neuro-anatomical basis: Damage to the frontal and temporal lobes is common with traumatic brain injury Damage to the frontal lobe may cause disinhibition, impulsivity, problem stopping an ongoingpattern of behavior, perseveration, loss or lack of motivation, and emotional dyscontrol Temporal lobe injury may result in lower frustration tolerance and altered mood states, usuallydepression Behavioral characteristics of...
Description: Everywhere they turn, parents of children with autism spectrum disorder are bombarded with treatment choices—all of which claim to be effective. This manual is designed to support parents as they make decisions about their child’s treatment. It discusses the complexity of diagnostic evaluations for children on the autism spectrum, identifies and describes effective treatments, and outlines the importance of professional judgment and using data to guide treatment decisions. Other...
Description: If your child has recently been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, you have come to the right place. A Parent’s Guide to Autism was developed as part of Autism Speaks’ series of Family Support Tool Kits to support you and promote a positive future for your child and family during an often challenging time. You are not alone in this journey and this guide is a step toward finding the help you need to travel the road to optimal outcomes for you, your child and your...
Description: Special Olympics is a movement built on inclusion, where every person is accepted and welcomed, regardless of ability or disability. We are helping make the world a better, healthier and more joyful place through the power of sport.
Description: NCLD has created the IDEA Parent Guide to help you become an informed and effective partner with school personnel in supporting your child’s special learning and behavioral needs. Use this guide to understand: How the federal law, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), generally works in most states; What the law requires to determine whether your child has a learning disability; What is new to IDEA since Congress last updated the law in 2004; What questions...
Description: AbilityPath has been a cornerstone of our community for 100 years, providing a lifespan of support services to individuals with special needs and developmental disabilities in the greater Bay Area. Our mission is to empower people with special needs to achieve their full potential through innovative, inclusive programs and community partnerships. With educational, therapeutic, vocational, and family support services, we are distinctive in providing support to an individual throughout their...
Description: Despite the important and life-long roles they will play in the lives of their siblings who have special needs, even the most family-friendly agencies often overlook brothers and sisters. These brothers and sisters will be in the lives of family members with special needs longer than anyone. Brothers and sisters will be there after parents are gone and special education services are a distant memory. If they are provided with support and information, they can help their sibs live dignified lives...
Description: The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) is a professional membership organization that works to promote high-quality early learning for all young children, birth through age 8, by connecting early childhood practice, policy, and research. We advance a diverse, dynamic early childhood profession and support all who care for, educate, and work on behalf of young children. The association comprises nearly 60,000 individual members of the early childhood community and 52...
Description: This kit provides helpful information about students with autism to promote understanding and acceptance at school. It includes tools and strategies to increase learning for all members of the school community. The School Community Tool Kit is broken down into sections: About the School Community Tool Kit Information about the resources included, a section on how to use the tool kit, a note to families and caregivers, an "About Me" profile form, and more. About Autism In addition to general...
Description: Tool Kit on Teaching and Assessing Students With Disabilities - The U.S. Department of Education strives to expand educational opportunities and to improve instruction for all students. To achieve excellence in education for students with disabilities, Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings launched an initiative focused on improving teaching, learning, and assessing by increasing states’ capacity to provide rigorous assessment, instruction, and accountability for these students. The...
Description: Lumosity - Exercise memory, flexibility, and more with the world’s most popular brain training program Train the skills that matter to you most Scientific rigor, made fun Daily exercise for your mind Brain training tailored to you Some parts are free and other parts require a paid subscription.
Description: ThinkFirst for Kids! - Traumatic injury is the leading cause of death among children age one and older, with many survivors enduring the consequences of brain and spinal cord injuries. The physical, emotional, psychological and learning problems that affect injured children, along with the associated costs, make reducing traumatic injuries a high priority for health and safety advocates throughout the nation.  ThinkFirst for Youth! - ThinkFirst For Youth is for students in grades four...
Description: The Autism Center works to build the capacity of school districts and other education agencies to improve their instruction and support for individuals with autism. We do this by serving as a trusted, high quality source of information on research, resources and trends and by providing evidence-based training, technical assistance and consultation that equips professionals to foster learning and growth that meets individual student needs. This website includes: Autism Center Grab and Go...
Description: Autism Internet Modules - Individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have unique strengths and challenges. Understanding the underlying characteristics of ASD and effective practices that support their needs is essential. Designed for those who support, instruct, work with, or live with someone with autism, the Autism Internet Modules (AIM) guide users through case studies, instructional videos, pre- and post-assessments, discussion questions, activities, and more.
Description: Many interventions exist for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Yet, scientific research has found only some of these interventions to be effective. The interventions that researchers have shown to be effective are called evidence-based practices (EBPs). One reason for using EBPs is because, by law, teaching practices must be based on evidence of effectiveness. What EBPs have been identified? The NPDC used a rigorous criteria to classify 27 focused interventions as EBPs in 2014. The 27...
Description: Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) - People who have mood disorders can more readily achieve wellness when they recognize the symptoms and understand the issues related to this spectrum of conditions. Written in plain English and crafted in consultation with both peers and leading clinicians, DBSA educational materials help people with diagnoses and their loved ones to know what mood disorders are, and what can be done for treatment and management. Back to School - The Mood Crew...
Description: Angelman syndrome (AS) is a rare neuro-genetic disorder that occurs in one in 15,000 live births or 500,000 people worldwide. It is caused by a loss of function of the UBE3A gene in the 15th chromosome derived from the mother. Angelman syndrome shares symptoms and characteristics with other disorders including autism, cerebral palsy and Prader-Willi syndrome. Due to the common characteristics, misdiagnosis occurs often. People with AS have developmental problems that become noticeable by the age...
Description: Best Buddies International is a dynamic and growing organization, thanks to the people that help advance its mission every day. From the Board of Directors to the summer interns, everyone on the Best Buddies team shares their energy and enthusiasm as they work to enhance the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Founded in 1989 by Anthony K. Shriver, Best Buddies is a vibrant organization that has grown from one original chapter to nearly 3,000 chapters worldwide,...
Description: Our mission is to ensure that all babies and toddlers have a strong start in life. At ZERO TO THREE, we envision a society that has the knowledge and will to support all infants and toddlers in reaching their full potential. During the first three years of life, emotionally nourishing relationships lay the foundation for lifelong health and well-being. By supporting the caring adults who touch the lives of infants and toddlers, we hope to maximize our long-term impact in ensuring all infants and...
Description: Brain Injury Association of America - BIAA's mission is to advance awareness, research, treatment, and education and to improve the quality of life for all people affected by brain injury. You can find: National Brain Injury Information Community Research
Description: TASH advances equity, opportunity and inclusion for people with disabilities, with a focus on those with the most significant support needs, in the areas of education, employment and community living through advocacy, research and practice.
Description: The Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee (IACC) is a Federal advisory committee that coordinates Federal efforts and provides advice to the Secretary of Health and Human Services on issues related to autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Through its inclusion of both Federal and public members, the IACC helps to ensure that a wide range of ideas and perspectives are represented and discussed in a public forum. The committee reconvened in November 2015 to begin a new session under the Autism...
Description: The Post-High School Outcomes of Young Adults With Disabilities up to 8 Years After High School: Key Findings From the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 is a report that uses data from the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 dataset to provide a national picture of post-high school outcomes for students with disabilities. The report describes the experiences and outcomes of young adults with disabilities in postsecondary education, employment, independence, and social domains during...
Description: is a new online resource directory working to connect families and individuals on the autism spectrum with the therapeutic and educational services they deserve.
Description: Here you will find information to support your work in helping infants and toddlers with disabilities, ages birth to three, achieve their full potential. All about Part C of IDEA Early intervention programs and contacts, by state How IDEA describes early intervention Basics of early intervention (training module)  2011 Part C regulations Parent notification, consent, and involvement Writing the IFSP Transitioning a child to preschool Differences and Disabilities Developmental milestones...
Description: Do2learn provides thousands of free pages with social skills and behavioral regulation activities and guidance, learning songs and games, communication cards, academic material, and transition guides for employment and life skills. In addition, we offer premier products including View2do, JobTIPS, and books. We believe that simply telling busy teachers, parents, and professionals what they should be doing is not enough.  Within each topic, we provide the hands-on resources needed to...
Description: The National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorder (NPDC) was funded by the Office of Special Education Programs in the US Department of Education from 2007-2014. The NPDC developed free professional resources for teachers, therapists, and technical assistance providers who work with individuals with ASD. Resources include detailed information on how to plan, implement, and monitor specific evidence-based practices.
Description: These videos of young children engaged in typical activities have been produced for use in professional development programs to build the skills of practitioners in observation, documentation, and assessment in early childhood settings. You can watch the clips online or download QuickTime versions of the videos for use in training.  The Colorado Department of Education (CDE) produces these videos for professional development activities and obtains voluntary written permission from all...
Description: Since 1974, the Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI) has been the primary membership organization for those interested in the philosophy, science, application, and teaching of behavior analysis.
Description: The Behavior Analyst Certification Board, Inc.® (BACB®) has been the leader in behavior analyst certification for over two decades. The BACB is a nonprofit corporation that was established in 1998 to meet professional certification needs identified by behavior analysts, governments, and consumers of behavior-analytic services. The BACB’s mission is to protect consumers of behavior-analytic services by systematically establishing, promoting, and disseminating professional standards...
Description: ASAT’s mission: We promote safe, effective, science-based treatments for people with autism by disseminating accurate, timely, and scientifically sound information; advocating for the use of scientific methods to guide treatment; and combating unsubstantiated, inaccurate and false information about autism and its treatment Since autism was first identified, there has been a long history of failed treatments and fads, levied on vulnerable individuals as well as on their families. From the...
Description: Teaching Tools are designed to provide easily accessible ideas and materials so that you can support children in the classroom and other learning environments. The tools will provide you and other teachers with practical strategies known to be successful in helping young children with problem behavior. (Early childhood)
Description: Professional Standards Virginia’s Competencies of Early Childhood Professionals (PDF) – This document provides the core body of knowledge and skills professionals need in order to support optimal growth and learning of children from birth to kindergarten.   
Description: Before his son Samuel was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, photojournalist Dan Habib rarely thought about the inclusion of people with disabilities. Now he thinks about inclusion every day. Shot and produced over four years, Habib’s award-winning documentary film, Including Samuel, chronicles the Habib family’s efforts to include Samuel in every facet of their lives. The film honestly portrays his family’s hopes and struggles, as well as the experiences of four other...
Description: The Division for Early Childhood (DEC) promotes policies and advances evidence-based practices that support families and enhance the optimal development of young children (0-8) who have or are at risk for developmental delays and disabilities. DEC is an international membership organization for those who work with or on behalf of young children (0-8) with disabilities and other special needs and their families.
Description: This module, "Functional Behavioral Assessment: Identifying the Reasons for Problem Behavior and Developing a Behavior Plan" explores the basic principles of behavior and the importance of discovering the reasons that students engage in problem behavior. The steps to conducting a functional behavioral assessment and developing a behavior plan are described.
Description: What is a Social Story? Social Stories are a social learning tool that supports the safe and meaningful exchange of information between parents, professionals, and people with autism of all ages. The people who develop Social Stories are referred to as Authors, and they work on behalf of a child, adolescent, or adult with autism, the Audience. Authors follow a defined process that begins with gathering information, discovering a topic that ‘fits’ the Audience, and the development of...
Description: This website includes autism training and resources for law enforcement, emergency first responders, parents, educators, care providers, and the autism community.
Description: Bright Futures is a national health promotion and prevention initiative, led by the American Academy of Pediatrics and supported, in part, by the US Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)?, Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB)?. The Bright Futures Guidelines provide theory-based and evidence-driven guidance for all preventive care screenings and well-child visits. Bright Futures content can be incorporated into many public health...
Description: The Social Network Package is an assessment and intervention planning tool. The Manual and Inventory Booklet are designed to help professionals work with family members and individuals who have complex communication needs. Use this resource to help determine appropriate communication strategies and technologies for clients to use with their communication partners. 
Description: Teens Against Bullying was created by and for teens, this website is a place for middle and high school students to find ways to address bullying, to take action, to be heard, and to own an important social cause. The Teens Against Bullying is a website created by PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center (PACER’s NBPC). Since 2006, PACER’s NBPC has actively led social change to prevent childhood bullying, so that all youth are safe and supported in their schools,...
Description: "Kids Against Bullying" was created for elementary school children, with a unique emphasis on children with disabilities. This Web site is an informative and creative resource to educate students about bullying prevention and provide methods to respond to bullying situations. The site features an animated cast of characters, information, celebrity videos, Webisodes, interactive games, animation, contests, and other activities. Parents and professionals will find helpful tips, intervention...
Description: Virginia Network of Consultants Professionals Working with Children Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (VNOC) was created by the Virginia Department of Education, in collaboration with the Virginia Department of Health, and the Partnership for People with Disabilities at Virginia Commonwealth University. Purpose: To provide consultant services directly to Virginia school divisions and state operated programs to promote and enhance educational services for children who are deaf and hard of hearing...