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  • Early Childhood Transitions - Transitioning to a school-based setting can be challenging. This page provides information and resources to help you feel empowered and make the transition as smooth as possible.
  • Kindergarten & Elementary Transitions - Transitioning into kindergarten and into the elementary grades may pose new challenges for students and their parents and/or caregivers. This page provides information and resources to help you feel empowered and make the transition as smooth as possible.
  • Middle & High School Transitions - Transitioning into middle and high school environments can be challenging This page provides information and resources to help you feel empowered and make the transition as smooth as possible.
  • Life After High School - Planning for life after high school can be overwhelming. This page provides information and resources to help plan and find appropriate options and services.
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Showing Results 101 - 150 of 425
Description: SSA’s Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program helps children with qualifying disabilities and their families. For this program, a child must meet all of the following requirements to be considered disabled and medically eligible: The child must have a medical condition, or a combination of conditions, that result in “marked and severe functional limitations.” This means that the condition(s) must very seriously limit the child’s activities. The child’s...
Description: Developed in collaboration between VCU's School of Social Work and the Partnership for People with Disabilities, LEAP provides training on healthy relationships and information about preventing abuse to adults with disabilities. LEAP was developed by a multidisciplinary team that included people with disabilities and their families, along with representatives from domestic violence, child advocacy, social services, health, LGBTQ+  and disability advocacy agencies. People with...
Description: Transition to Adulthood Resources - PEATC provides a variety of Transition to Adulthood Resources and topics on Supported Decision-Making include: Supported Decision-Making in Special Education Programs Supported Decision-Making and Special Education Transition Services Supported Decision-Making in Vocational Rehabilitation
Description: In this resource, you will learn about an option called Supported Decision-Making that may help students with disabilities learn to make their own decisions, live as independently as they can, and avoid unnecessary guardianship. We’ll also show you ways you can request and receive Supported Decision-Making supports and services from Special Education programs.
Description: This project was developed as part of a grant funded by the Mid-Atlantic ADA Center for The Arc of NoVA to create short videos with information on interactions between people with disabilities and the justice system.  Each of these videos are designed to empower people with disabilities, educate them on what to expect, and let them know about options and accommodations they may request.
Description: For almost 20 years, SoundOut has been supporting students, teachers, principals, district staff, and education leaders as they take action to activate student voice, foster student engagement, and facilitate Meaningful Student Involvement.
Description: Transition Assessment Process: A Guide for Developing Postsecondary Goals and Transition Services - The transition assessment process should include a variety of methods for assessing the student and potential post-school environments. It is a multi-year process that requires both time and planning to allow for assessment through self-awareness, career awareness, exploration, preparation, and training to confirm interests. Its purpose is to help IEP teams craft postsecondary goals that align...
Description: This webinar introduces the College Access Evidence Matrix, an informational resource designed to help college-access providers and educational leaders easily find proven interventions, aligned to the highest Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) evidence standards, that can increase the likelihood that students successfully transition to postsecondary education and training. REL Appalachia staff provide an orientation to the evidence matrix and demonstrate how it can be used for a variety of...
Description: By hiring someone with Down syndrome, you start a virtuous chain: the more that people with Down Syndrome are seen at work, the more they’ll be recognized as valuable employees, and the more they’ll be hired.
Description: SSA Outreach Materials for People Facing Barriers The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impose hardships, especially on people who face barriers to accessing services and benefits. These include people with low-income, limited English proficiency, facing homelessness, or with mental illness, who have historically relied on meeting with us face-to-face to get the help they need. You will find an up-to-date list of resources and materials that you can use to learn about the Supplemental Security...
Description: Each webinar provides an opportunity for your students to learn about employment in different industries from people who really work in those industries. There is always a worksheet, an opportunity to ask questions, and a certificate of completion after each webinar. These meetings are accessible and Rubin provides a sign language interpreter. These are also taped and available on YouTube. Danny Rubin is an award-winning author and speaker who works directly with students and working...
Description: This One-Pager Library contains important information for families, including the difference between IEPs and 504 Plans, handling disagreements about your child's special education program, your Parental Rights and more.
Description: Using a trauma-informed lens can help educators be better prepared to meet students’ unique educational and transition needs. Trauma informed care provides a common language and an understanding of how to approach situations in a way that is supportive. This brief provides an overview of trauma and trauma informed strategies to support students who have experienced trauma. These strategies are a sample of best practices and actions that can be implemented...
Description: Through collaboration between students, families, schools, community agencies, and employers, Start on Success (SOS) provides high school students with IEPs who are pursuing standard diplomas with a high quality work-based learning experience. Selected students enroll in a credit-bearing Career and Technical Education (CTE) course and then participate in a paid internship at a local business with an assigned mentor to assist with problem-solving, accommodations, and applying workplace readiness...
Description: Social Security benefits provide resources that can enable students with disabilities to successfully transition to adult life. The following tips will help guide teachers, families, and students with the process of applying for and managing benefits. 
Description: The Parents’ Guides to Student Success were developed by teachers, parents and education experts. Created for grades K-8 and high school English, language arts/literacy and mathematics, the guides provide clear, consistent expectations for what students should be learning at each grade in order to be prepared for college and career.
Description: Explore ideas and resources related to the transition from school to adult life for youth who are blind or visually impaired, including those who are deafblind or who have multiple disabilities.
Description: CA Human Services (formerly Commonwealth Autism/The Founders Center) is home to various programs which help adults transition smoothly from their family home to an apartment or home of their own and to maintain their independence. The majority of our young adults have an autism spectrum diagnosis or a similar developmental disability, and they have the capacity to live independently with some training and support.  Our Readiness Program supports young adults who live at home with...
Description: View the Navigating Through Life Infographic Series - The youth leaders with disabilities from the Inclusion Project created the Navigating Through Life series. The six amazing graphics and text formats have different topics that a young person experiences as they move into adulthood. The youth leaders interviewed over 70 people with disabilities about their experiences when they entered adulthood. The Navigating Through Life series is intended to help youth start their own...
Description: Learning and practicing life skills is an important part of preparing students with disabilities for adulthood. The Independent Living Life Skills Checklist is a helpful tool for students ages 14-22, their families, and the IEP team to track progress in areas like independent living and daily activities. While the checklist doesn’t cover every skill, it can guide you in focusing on the most important areas for your child’s development. Remember, each person is unique, and...
Description: Youth Empowerment Interest Form - YET empowers Virginia students with disabilities, age 14-22, as they begin their transition from High School to Adulthood. Why Should You Join? Build self-advocacy skills Give input and help advise PEATC on issues that involve youth Create new friendships Learn to be an active member in your school and community Develop leadership skills
Description: The National Resource Center for Supported Decision-Making (NRC-SDM) builds on and extends the work of Quality Trust's Jenny Hatch Justice Project by bringing together vast and varied partners to ensure that input is obtained from all relevant stakeholder groups including older adults, people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD), family members, advocates, professionals and providers. The NRC-SDM partners bring nationally recognized expertise and leadership on SDM,...
Description: The Translating Evidence to Support Transitions (TEST) project has created a series of practice guides to increase the use and adoption of 3 research-informed practices for the transition planning of high school students with emotional behavioral disturbance (EBD) who receive special education services: student-led IEP meetings, community agency representation at IEP meetings, and concentrations of CTE coursework along career pathways. Supporting Student-Led Transition Planning for Students with...
Description: Academic & Career Plan (Virginia Department of Education, VDOE) CareerOneStop- Your Source for Career Exploration, Training & Jobs (U.S. Department of Labor)  DARS Division of Rehabilitative Services (DRS): Pre-ETS & VR Transition Services Explore Work (A training program for teens with disabilities) Workforce Innovation Technical Assistance Center, WINTAC, George Washington Universit Federal Schedule A Hiring Authority Fact Sheet: Tips for Youth and Young Adults with...
Description: Frequently Asked Questions About Career Exploration for Youth with Disabilities Career exploration is an important step in helping a student fulfill long term employment goals. This exploration can help a student connect to a path that is appealing, fulfilling, and leads to a desired career. The following key questions and answers will help with decision-making and information gathering concerning academic and career choices. What is career exploration?Career exploration is one way to find out...
Description: Pathful is the K-16 workforce readiness system available to support career and transition planning goals for your students with IEPs. Pathful is home to engaging job shadowing videos, transition and career surveys, employability skills content, lesson planning content, and more!
Description: This is a compilation of some of the postsecondary education programs and supports available for students with disabilities.
Description: Think Work Stories -  This site highlights the employment successes of people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) who are working in paid jobs in their communities. Through the use of innovative, front-line employment support practices, these individuals are earning money, forming networks, and contributing to their communities. Learn more about these people and the promising practices that led to their success.
Description: The VDOE's new resource, Understanding the Applied Studies Diploma (PDF) is here to assist families with understanding everything they need to know related to this specific diploma option.  An accessible Word document version (Word) as well as an accessible Spanish Word document version (Word), is also available.
Description: Critical Decision Points for Families of Children with Disabilities - The Critical Decision Points for Families of Children with Disabilities guide was developed in order to assist families of children with disabilities with understanding keys to their children's academic success, as well as decisions that they will have to make throughout their children's careers in public education.  Information is provided that will assist parents with understanding not only what decisions will need...
Description: Lucy Beadnell from The Arc of Northern Virginia reviews the Basics of DD and CCC Plus Medicaid Waivers in Virginia. Lucy describes what Medicaid Waivers are, eligibility, services, applications, and waiting lists and takes questions from families. (Recorded March 3, 2021)
Description: Virginia Ability is a nonprofit organization that was originally established in 2003 as the Virginia Business Leadership Network (VABLN) through the President’s Committee on the Employment of People with Disabilities. Virginia Ability is comprised of a Board of Directors consisting of representatives from local businesses and corporations that provides perspective on workplace disability inclusion, and a Community Advisory Council that provides guidance and consultation to help the Board...
Description: The RFVII-3: Reading-Free Vocational Interest Inventory, Third Edition is a nonverbal measure of vocational interests of users from Grade 5 through adult. It uses illustrations of individuals engaged in different occupations to measure the vocational likes and dislikes of students and adults who have intellectual disabilities or learning disabilities, are struggling readers, or anyone who prefers a pictorial display. No reading or writing is required. The RFVII-3 is easy to administer and...
Description: This collection of products and materials has proven to be valuable for practitioners as well as parents and others working with students on transition. Secondary Transition Auttism Spectrum Disorders Resources (STAR) Pocket Resume Interagency Agreement Toolkit Transition Coordinator: What Do I Need to Know? Rethinking College: The Film Independent Living Checklist And many more...
Description: On-Demand Videos- PEATC has on demand videos on a variety of topics. Connecting the Dots Early Intervention Homework Strategies Tutoring Tips Keeping Students Engaged And much more
Description: In this guide, you will find a rich array of ideas generated by parents for parents. It is neither exhaustive nor prescriptive. Rather, it simply offers a menu of ideas that can spur and encourage your own efforts. Indeed, we encourage you to draw upon, adapt, and add to the strategies in this guide in ways that best meet the needs of your child and family. Becoming self-determined is an ongoing process for all children and youth, whether or not they have a disability. And so the approaches you...
Description: 6 Fascinating Facts- The differences between high school and college - Going to college will be a big adjustment. It is important to prepare for the changes that will occur within the classroom and with receiving accommodations and services. Video- Understanding the Differences between High School vs College - This video will give you a glimpse of the changes you need to expect while attending college. What can you expect? You can definitely enjoy the freedom. No one tells you to do your...
Description: This Northern Virginia Family Resource Directory is provided as a free service to families and professionals by Formed Families Forward with financial support of SCAN of Northern Virginia. The Directory provides information and contact information for organizations, agencies and private practices offering programs, services and other resources for children, youth and families. There is a special focus on providers who serve families formed by adoption, foster care and kinship care who are...
Description: As a teacher, you recognize the need to develop self-determination skills in your students. You also realize there are certain skills and content you must teach. How can you do both at one time? As your students dip into their reading, you can pose questions, give writing prompts, and design assignments that will develop both skill in literacy and skill in self-determination.
Description: DO-IT videos promote the success of people with disabilities, particularly in school and work settings. DO-IT videos play in a custom accessible media player with audio description and transcripts provided. They can be downloaded, viewed on DO-IT's YouTube channel, or ordered on DVD. The Search Video Library feature enables users to search the full text of all videos and begin playing videos at specific start times from the search results. Most videos are accompanied by a brochure with...
Description: This webinar will introduce participants to the fundamental concepts of Self-Determination for students with autism and related disabilities. We will discuss how to teach these concepts, Power-Standards for IEP goals, how to include students in the IEP process, and other strategies for supporting students with developing their self-determination skills. The presenter will be accompanied by student members of a self-determination club. Self-advocates are encouraged to participate.
Description: The Individuals with Disability Education Act (IDEA) guarantees a free appropriate public education to all eligible children with disabilities. Refer to Evaluation & Eligibility for more information. The steps in the special education process include: Identification and referral Evaluation Determination of eligibility Development of an individualized education program (IEP) and determination of services Reevaluation There are timelines schools must follow for each step. Timelines...
Description: Virtual IEP Meeting Tip Sheets (A Collaborative Effort Across OSEP-Funded Projects) Virtual Meetings: Strategies, Tips and Resources (The Center for Appropriate Dispute Resolution in Special Education, CADRE) Resources for Families and Students (Progress Center: Promoting Progress for Students with Disabilities) IEP Accommodations During Distance Learning ( Virtual Learning and Accommodations Guide (Assistive Technology Network of Virginia) How to Support Students in Virtual IEP...
Description: This resource is designed to provide activities to reinforce and embed Virginia's 21st Century Workplace Readiness Skills at home. Workplace readiness skills are personal qualities, people skills, and professional traits that are necessary to maintain employment. These skills are important because they are the most desirable skills employers are searching for in potential employees.
Description: Project Success offers research-based, targeted professional development and coaching for teachers, administrators, and paraprofessionals who support students with disabilities. By focusing on the expansion of inclusive practices and the integration of academic standards and functional skills, educators receive the support they need to be successful in improving student outcomes. Whether they are new to supporting students with disabilities or have decades of experience, Project Success meets...
Description: Virginia Commonwealth University-Autism Center for Education, VCU-ACE, is continuing to provide resources for families. VCU-ACE provides an opportunity for parents to join us for Lunch and Learn. An interactive and secure Zoom meeting that will address different topics each week. There will be a short presentation with a time for Q&A.
Description: Graduation - Diploma Options, Graduation Resources, and Policy & Initiatives Graduation FAQ - Standard vs. Verified Units of Credit, Transfer Students, Assessments Project Graduation- Project Graduation funding has been available to school divisions to provide instructional support for students in need of verified credits for graduation.   Credits for Graduation
Description: This virtual training webinar was the second of a three-part series on nonacademic supports for strengthening the transition from high school to postsecondary education and training. Presenters shared strategies that can help students and families complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and college application requirements. (Webinar took place on Thursday, February 27, 2020.) Presenters: Ashley Campbell, REL AP, SRI International CJ Park, REL AP, SRI International...
Description: Agenda, Presentation, Handout, Webinar Recording -  This virtual training webinar will be the first of a three-part series on strengthening the transition from high school to postsecondary education and careers. This webinar will focus on postsecondary knowledge including strategies that support student and family understanding of the expectations and norms of postsecondary education and training, and expose students and families to career paths. (Webinar took place Thursday,...
Description: Virtual Virginia is a program of the Virginia Department of Education that provides flexible digital education opportunities to students and educators throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. Virtual Virginia offers online professional learning opportunities for all Virginia Public school educators at no cost. VVA's fully online professional learning opportunities include webinars, courses, certifications, workshops, conferences, and the VVA Professional Learning Network.