Assistive Technology
Technology can have an impact on many aspects for our lives. This section includes resources on the wide range of technology that is available today.
- Communication - This page provides technology resources that address any component of the communication process.
- Computer Access - This page supplies resources on programs, software and devices that provide alternate ways to access the computer.
- Home & Personal Care - This page offers resources on technology that assist with home life (cooking, cleaning, shopping, laundry and managing money) and personal care (getting dressed, eating, grooming and bathing).
- Literacy - This page supplies technology resources that focus on literacy or reading and writing skills.
- Math - This page contributes technology resources that address math skills.
- Mobile Devices - This page contributes resources related to the array of mobile devices (iPads, Android, Kindle, etc.) that are available and how they can be used to support education.
- Science & Social Studies - This page supplies resources on technology with a focus on science and social studies.
Showing Results 1 - 50 of 292
Description: Apps Developed by ATware Solutions, LLC - This app development team is in the process of launching several new apps for people with disabilities, service providers and professionals working in the field of special education.
Description: The Assistive Technology & Accessible Educational Materials (AT&AEM) Center is committed to ensuring access for all people with disabilities. The center promotes accessibility and personalization, creates and disseminates accessible materials and offers specialized training and technical assistance.
Description: This resource includes Free VESOL Literacy Instruction Materials: Reading Comprehension Files Core, Fringe and Robust AAC Vocabulary Alternatives Pencils/Manual Boards with Alphabet Math Social Emotional Learning, Social Stories & Visual Supports Cooking Files Art and Music Files Talker Power Files
Description: Text and Online Acronyms Parents Need to Know - When it comes to texting, parents and children don’t speak the same language. Texting often includes acronyms. An acronym is an abbreviation, that consists of the initial letters of the other words and is pronounced as a single word. When you look at your child’s text messages or online chats, you likely won’t understand these acronyms. But they are popular on the internet and found mostly on social media platforms because they...
Description: Cell Phone-Free Education Final Guidance & Resources - After listening to and reviewing the thousands of comments and suggestions from Virginians on how to bring cell phone-free education to our children’s schools, VDOE has published final guidance for school divisions on policies and procedures to be implemented to establish cell phone-free education and remove cell phones from Virginia’s public school classrooms. The final guidance defines cell phone-free education in...
Description: Monarch Reader - The Tar Heel online library of accessible books for beginning readers is now part of the Building Wings family of literacy instruction solutions. You can Find Books (using the search function) or click on: Top Books or Latest Published Books, Explore Topics, and Review Popular Book Collections.
Description: The primary goals of Project Core are two-fold: Empower teachers and classroom professionals to deliver access to a Universal Core vocabulary and communication instruction during the naturally occurring academic and daily routines of the school day. Improve the academic achievement of students with significant cognitive disabilities as evidenced by gains in their communication and literacy skills, and ultimately in their end-of-year assessments. This site includes: Universal Core Vocabulary...
Description: The 2024-2029 Educational Technology Plan for Virginia has been reviewed by the State Board of Education and was accepted as part of their Comprehensive Plan.
Description: 2024 National Educational Technology Plan -The 2024 NETP frames three key divides limiting the transformational potential of educational technology to support teaching and learning, including: The Digital Use Divide, addressing opportunities to improve how students use technology to enhance their learning, including dynamic applications of technology to explore, create, and engage in critical analysis of academic content and knowledge; The Digital Design Divide, addressing opportunities for...
Description: Updates to Title II of the ADA: State and Local Governments: First Steps Toward Complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act Title II Web and Mobile Application Accessibility Rule (U.S. Dept. of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Jan. 8, 2025) Accessibility of Web Content and Mobile Apps Provided by State and Local Government Entities: A Small Entity Compliance Guide (U.S. Dept. of Justice, Civil Rights Division) Fact Sheet: New Rule on the Accessibility of Web Content and Mobile...
Description: New Video: Introducing the Office of Special Education Program's Assistive Technology Guidance and the 2024 National Educational Technology Plan (2:46 mins.) IDEA: Assistive Technology Devices and Services for Children With Disabilities Under the IDEA (Jan. 22, 2024) - The Office of Educational Technology and the Office of Special Education Programs are pleased to share the guidance in support of children with disabilities who need assistive technology (AT) devices and services for meaningful...
Description: Student Self-Evaluation Matrix - QIAT-PS has also developed a set of student quality indicators for assistive technology with an accompanying Student Self-Evaluation Matrix tool for students to rate themselves on their AT skills. The tool is useful to both students struggling to manage AT in higher education settings and for K-12 programs to assist students in enhancing self-awareness and problem solving with AT for better transition outcomes. (QIAT-PS = Quality Indicators for...
Description: Do you support students as they transition to school or work environments? Do you support students as they transition to school or work environments? The following list of webshops and resources can help you learn more about: The transition process for students, especially those who use assistive technology (AT), from high school to postsecondary institutions such as 2 and 4 year colleges, How to design transition plans that can lead to positive post-school outcomes for students with...
Description: A transition guide to help you or someone you love transition to self-determination across all areas of their life. This includes a list of questions to consider from ages 10-22.
Description: Digital Books can help students who have difficulty reading print independently. The following resources allow students to listen or read books in a digital format. Digital Books, from AIM-VA and Bookshare, are free for students to use. Review their information for how teachers can get students enrolled. Other websites listed here can provide digital books that students can use from home as well as school. Check out this list of digital book options to determine which your student...
Description: Assistive Technology That's Built Into Mobile Devices - Most smartphones and digital tablets have built-in assistive technology (AT) that can help with learning and thinking differences. The range of AT features varies depending on the device’s operating system. But iOS devices like iPhones, as well as Android devices like Samsung Galaxy phones, all have built-in AT tools. You don’t need to buy special apps to use these built-in AT features.
Description: The Elements of I'm Determined comprise the essentials necessary for increasing self-determination skills. These skills, abilities, and beliefs are grounded in self-determination research. A poster, that is a simple reminder of the Elements and their definitions, is available to download.
Description: Hanover reviews definitions and key components of digital citizenship, and provides guidelines on how to teach and promote students’ digital citizenship skills. In addition, this research brief provides guidelines on the effective use of technology in and outside the classroom.
Description: ‘Model as a MASTER PAL’ was developed to help shape behaviors and belief systems of communication partners supporting individuals who use AAC. It was developed from the premise that 1) AAC implementation is not intuitive, and 2) communication is not compliance. This training series assumes topics related to core vocabulary instruction and explicit creation of communication opportunities have already been covered, and communication partners require additional information to...
Description: All people with a disability of any extent or severity have a basic right to affect, through communication, the conditions of their existence. Beyond this general right, a number of specific communication rights should be ensured in all daily interactions and interventions involving persons who have severe disabilities.
Description: This project began with a desire to identify the vocabulary words that were most important to support the success of beginning communicators participating in the Dynamic Learning Maps® alternate assessments in English language arts and mathematics. Through the years, the list first led to the development of the DLM First 40 and eventually to the Universal Core vocabulary for Project Core. The resulting Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) and Universal Core Vocabulary Sort is a list of words that...
Description: VDOE's Assistive Technology Network has a newly updated Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) section of their website. What is AAC? When to consider? Assessment Information Gathering Current Communication Skills Access Direct Selection Indirect Selection Decision Making Trials Develop a Plan Prompting Data Collection Tool Selection and Funding Implementation Planning and Support Training Device Set-up Customization Vocabulary Selection And more!
Description: We all know that communication is a fundamental human right. However, individuals who have difficulty with spoken language will need augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) supports to communicate effectively. The resources below provide foundational knowledge about AAC, selection of AAC supports and vocabulary, and how to be a great communication partner for AAC users. Check out these Professional Learning Possibilities: Mindset Article: Five Signs Your Child Needs Augmentative...
Description: National Assistive Technology (AT) Awareness Day celebrates the vital role AT plays in the lives of people with disabilities and older adults. AT is any item, device, or piece of equipment used to maintain or improve the independence and function of people with disabilities and older adults. AT solutions are as diverse as the goals of the millions of people who benefit from them. A few examples of AT that capture this diversity include speech-generating devices, video magnifiers, timers,...
Description: The attached chart helps you to identify vocabulary for your student's AAC System.
Description: Small Talk Speech Therapy debunks seven common myths about AAC, including why speech-language pathologists should not be the only ones providing AAC instruction.
Description: This article discusses the essential components of a robust communication system.
Description: These resources help to create a plan for how AAC can be implemented throughout the day.
Description: Assistive Technology for People with Brain Injury (BrainLine) - A traumatic brain injury can bring with it all sorts of challenges. A person’s balance may be off; he may have lost part of his field of vision; or his memory might be so compromised that within moments of seeing or hearing something, it’s gone. But like a magnifying glass for someone who has trouble reading the small print, there are many assistive technologies available for people with TBI. What is Assistive...
Description: This is a listing of multimodal activities to enhance learning for students using all forms of communication.
Description: Language is about connecting with other people. If you can focus on providing robust AAC and teaching language skills that allow AAC learners to connect with people in their lives, you will make a real difference!
Description: The VATTS: Resource Guide provides instructional strategies, AT solutions, modifications, accommodations, and examples used to address areas of need identified through the AT consideration process to support student success. There are two Resource Guide PDFs: an ADA Compliant version and a printable table version.
Description: The Virginia Assistive Technology, Tools, and Strategies (VATTS) Resources will guide the IEP team through the consideration and documentation process. These resources replace the previous versions of the AT Consideration and Resource Guide. VATTS: Consideration and Assessment Guidance Document (PDF) - Guidance for school divisions in the consideration and assessment of AT, including planning and implementing those services for students with disabilities. VATTS: Consideration...
Description: Easterseals UCP provides meaningful and exceptional services so that children, adults and families living with disabilities, behavioral health challenges and autism can live, learn, work and play in their communities. Easterseals UCP’s Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) services provide home and community-based supports that help children and adults be engaged and contributing members of their family and community. Our Behavioral Health programs are evidenced-based and...
Description: First responders and other emergency personnel are starting to use this helpful tool to communicate with individuals who are not responding to verbal instructions or questions. These may be individuals who are non-verbal, on the autism spectrum, or simply feeling overwhelmed or confused. By pointing to pictures on the ECB, emergency personnel can focus their need for information with the individuals level of understanding, ideally securing even a yes or no response allowing them to provide...
Description: Emergency Communication Boards (Chileda Institute) Paramedic & Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Symbol Board (Widget Health) Emergency Chat Google App Developing Positive Interactions for People with Developmental Disabilities and First Responders, Police, and the Justice System: A Guide for People with Developmental Disabilities and Their Loved Ones (2021) (The Arc of Northern Virginia)
Description: This Wheel of Apps for Complex Communication Support Needs (AAC) has been given a refresh and update. This 'wheel' of Apps provides a categorised guide to iPad Apps for individuals with complex communication support needs, who may need to use Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). We appreciate that identifying AAC Apps from the many available can be a difficult and challenging task, so we hope that in creating and sharing this resource, it will help you with that process. (10/2023)
Description: Tools that help people communicate are called Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), and can range from simply utilizing pictures to a high-tech device such as a tablet, iPad, or computer. Here are some guidelines that can help parents recognize when to consider AAC: Child isn’t talking at all Children start saying words by the time they are between 12 to 18 months old, and begin combining 3 to 5 words together into sentences by the time they reach preschool. If a child is over...
Description: This booklet defines Special Education Terms (Birth to 22) as well as General Disabilty Terms.
Description: View OCR Video Series on Accessibility - The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights announces a video series covering a variety of topics on digital access in education, including how people with disabilities use technology, applicable Federal regulations, and identifying and remediating barriers to access. Whether you are in the educational field or not, these videos have wide ranging coverage for those who want to know: What makes technology accessible for...
Description: Make text easier to read on small screens. Make reading as effortless as watching a video. Read faster, by reading whole phrases at a time. Speed through any text, with better comprehension. Zoom your screen in or out to adjust the font size. Use the auto-speed or click the next phrase button.
Description: Readsy is a tool to help you skim large amounts of text by focusing your eyes on one word at a time without having to move them. It is powered by Spritz, a speed reading app. To register for higher speeds, click "Login" on the top right of the Spritz box, and create an account with Spritz.
Description: Make Stuff and Love People has over 1,500 images and 500 QR codes to "how-to" videos and resources for immediate access using any smartphone camera. The book is packed with devices that can be made in minutes for physical, visual, hearing, communication, or other challenges. "How-to" instructions for devices include those for reading and writing; life skills; employment; alternative communication; mounting devices to mobility aids; tablet and phone holders; self-care, eating, drinking, art, and...
Description: The Color Coded Eye Gaze frame (adapted by Erickson, 2000) is intended for students with multiple significant physical and hearing impairments, including those with unknown cognitive skills. The eye gaze frame is often used by students that are unable to hold a pencil or unable to physically manipulate a standard or an enlarged keyboard. For students who have such challenges, using their eyes can be the easiest. Students need to have some degree of vision, but it does not need to be completely...
Description: The Center for Literacy & Disability Studies at UNC-Chapel Hill has developed a variety of “alternative pencils” for students with the most significant disabilities, including deaf-blindness. All the alternative “pencils” have been designed for students who are unable to hold a traditional pencil or physically manipulate a keyboard. Instead, the alternative pencils tap into students’ other developing abilities. For example, the alphabet eye gaze frame may be...
Description: Executive Function and Organization - Students with ASD often have a very uneven learning profile. For example, they may have excellent long-term and rote memory abilities but have executive function deficits. Executive function challenges can include difficulties with general organization and planning skills, problems with impulsivity and problem-solving, and challenges with goal completion. Common learning challenges and possible accommodations and supports include: Providing notes or review...
Description: In this video, Arlington Public Schools AAC Implementation Coaches Brittany Thomas and Erin Tokajer, and Arlington parents Janna Dressel, Brandi Horton and Cecilia Kline, share strategies on supporting AAC use in the home setting.
Description: These worksheets are accessible to all users (visually impaired, blind, keyboard users, and non-visually impaired). Please note that they will be adding new worksheets on an on-going basis, so be sure to bookmark this page and check back to see what's new!
Description: The Joy Zabala Fellowship in Assistive Technology and Accessible Educational Materials celebrates the life and work of Joy Smiley Zabala, EdD, who had a substantial impact in her 40+ year career in promoting inclusion for learners with disabilities in K-12, postsecondary, and workforce settings. The fellowship will support emerging, early career professionals who, in collaboration with a seasoned mentor, will a) strengthen their expertise and skills in the use of assistive technology and...
Description: In January 2020, Virginia legislators passed House Bill 817 requiring the Department of Education (VDOE), in collaboration with the Department of Health and medical professional societies, to develop health and safety guidelines related to the use of digital devices in the classroom. The VDOE convened a Digital Devices in the Classroom Workgroup to develop guidelines. The Digital Devices in the Classroom: Health and Safety Guidelines document addresses digital device use for different age...